Industrial animal agriculture causes immense suffering to billions of animals and is one of the most significant drivers of the most serious environmental problems. We support initiatives to elevate the moral relevance of farm animals in major institutions, alleviate their suffering and replace industrial animal agriculture with a dominant food system that does not rely on animals.
The Navigation Fund focuses on changing the culture and policies of dominant institutions, such as corporations, government, legislation and significant public institutions. While we want to maximize our impact for animals, we take a long-term view to achieving this. We invest in helping the movement to build the power today to achieve bigger wins tomorrow. We are open to supporting interventions that we believe are important but are hard to measure. We are also open to taking calculated risks if the upside could be significant.
Support projects to directly change the policies and practices of institutions (such as food corporations, government, legislation and other significant public institutions), and build policy momentum.
Support organizations to build more power to influence institutions through:
People Power and Disruptive Capacity: Increasing the capacity to 1) mobilize and 2) organize people to influence institutional decision-makers.
Narrative Influence: Increasing the capacity to influence important conversations and influence how farm animal issues are framed, particularly with key audiences. (Our priority audiences are listed below. Other audiences may be of interest for specific projects.)
Policy and Electoral Capacity: Increasing the capacity to change institutional policies, and increase the importance of animal issues in the political sphere.
Youth: Increase the number of youth (e.g. high-school and especially college students) actively engaged in the movement.
Elites: Increase our influence on cultural and political decision-makers and leaders, and get movement allies into decision-making positions.
Invest in capacity building for the movement, such as operational support, training, and strengthening movement cohesion and collaboration.
Support initiatives to bring new funding into the farm animal movement, such as major giving and programs for monthly giving and bequests.
Support new or underfunded approaches, particularly those that address the above priorities or that find solutions in important regions that currently seem less tractable.
You’ll find more details on our thinking, regional priorities and potential research interests in our strategy summary.
We value a wide range of approaches, and are grateful to see other funders investing in areas we do not currently plan to prioritize. While we’re excited to follow progress on institutional plant-based advocacy, incubation programs, and alternative proteins, we do not currently plan to invest substantially in these areas. They may be areas we consider in the future.
We do not plan to fund:
Individual diet change
Farm sanctuaries and direct animal care
Grant applications are by invitation. We identify potential applicants by researching and engaging with diverse organizations and individuals year-round.
Two of the best ways to get on our radar are to:
Invited groups will complete a short questionnaire. If groups have existing materials that answer our questions, we prefer that people do not spend significant time on customized materials for us.
We have three grant cycles each year–Q2 (March-June), Q3 (July-September), and Q4 (October-December)–with most grants funded in Q2 and Q3 and finalized before December. We are open to considering unrestricted, project-based, and multi-year grants. We also occasionally consider time-sensitive proposals outside these cycles.
If you think your organization or project might be a good fit with our priorities, feel free to introduce yourself. We do not respond to all introductions, but we will keep you in mind if we see a fit with our current funding focus.